Project Overview


Cycle Streets

Grant Amount


Award Date

January 2021



CycleStreets is a social enterprise working to get more people cycling, through the provision of a cycle journey planning giving really good, safe routes, and through tools for advocacy groups, such as Widen My Path.

They believe that cycling is a form of transport which offers so many benefits – to the environment, to health, to liveable cities, to give people access to employment, and much more. It is a human-scale activity that is accessible to almost everyone, and is the basis for modern towns and cities that are pleasant and happy places to live.

Towns and cities around the UK are seeing how prioritising streets for cycling, walking and public transport has huge benefits. Safer, calmer and attractive streets open up spaces that were previously exclusionary, bringing more transport choice. They are working to support those working to achieve this change at local level.

Isla’s grant will contribute towards Cycle Streets’s project, which aims to encourage communities to note down and inform their local councils where cycling and walking paths are in need of improvement, with the overall objective to get more people choosing cycling and walking as their preferred method of transportation.