Project Overview


Bonny Downs

Grant Amount


Award Date

January 2021


Education & Employment

Bonny Downs Community Association (BDCA) is a dynamic community organisation that was founded by a group of local people who wanted to improve our neighbourhood. Their vision is of a thriving community where everyone feels connected, valued and fulfilled.

Since 1998, BDCA has transformed four  previously-derelict local spaces into thriving community facilities, where they deliver projects that tackle local need through Sports, Youth, Children & Families, Food, Elders and Poverty response. The vast majority of their staff, volunteers and trustees live in the borough that they serve, so they have extensive local knowledge, networks and understanding of the joys and challenges of life in their vibrant locality.

 In the last two years, their venues have had over 80,000 visits, over 2,400 registered individuals used activities, and over 150 people volunteered at BDCA.

Isla’s funding will go towards a new day nursery for the community, at a time where supporting those who are vulnerable or key workers is more important than ever.